President Jack Dhooghe called the Meeting to order at 3:07 PM. Present were Members, Dave Elliott, Gene Kear, Richard Martin, Verlin Schauer, Mark Shook, and Lee Wolford. Absent: none
- MINUTES Secretary/Mark Shook:
- Copies of the minutes of the December 14 and January 13th meetings were reviewed by the board members.
Dave Elliott made a motion the Dec 14th minutes be approved as presented, 2nd by Gene Kear. Approved 7-0.
Dave Elliot made a motion the January 13th Minutes be approved as amended with the note added that Verlin Schauer would like it known that the statements made by Greg Johnson as quoted in the minutes are quoted accurately, but in his opinion, are not factually correct. Verlin state's he personally measured the buildings himself, and that he had a survey for the property done by a licensed surveyor. The board took no action. 2nd by Gene Kear. Approved 6-0-1. Lee Wolford abstained as he was not in attendance at that meeting.
Treasurer Dave Elliott reported that 2005 dues assessments have been completed and will be mailed to the membership .Total dues billed ,$56,859.00. Total voting interest for the annual meeting will be 38,051.00 if all dues are paid on time. (On or before April 30,2005). Dave presented a spread sheet showing the association members with the top 33 voting interest total. The largest owners combined properties at totaled less than 7.3%. No other single interest had more than 6% of the total votes.
- Dave Elliott expressed his views on the win/win nature of the Feb 3rd membership meeting.
- Jack Dhooghe opened discussion on Runway length for the proposed realigned Runway 15-33.
- Lee Wolford presented a written motion, "That the board direct our representatives, Mr. Jim Sirhall and Mr. George Brewer, to pursue the acquisition of land necessary to insure a NS runway of at least eighty three hundred (8300) feet in length. This would entail negotiation with Mr. J Keith Strickland, Mr. Brian Hoff/Mr. Chris Barton and Mr. Steve Gaghlelin. Our Reps are encouraged to trade for part of, or all of the land owned by the above, for a reasonable amount of land on the northwest side of the airport held/owned by MLAA. " 2nd by Richard Martin. Approved 6-0-1. Dave Elliott abstained. Both Dave Elliott and Mark Shook expressed their opinion that after an agreement is reached, the final deal (land trade) should be presented to the membership for a vote of approval.
- Approved the purchase of a back up snow plow (up to $7,000.00).
- Approved Richard Martins request to get prices for new Gas and Diesel fuel storage tanks to supply the associations equipment.
- Approved (7-0) Dave Elliott's motion for a new MLAA newsletter in cooperation with the EAA..
- Approved Gene Kear's request to get price quotes on a video surveillance system for the Airport.
- Deputy Larry Murphy is organizing an "Airport security meeting". contact him at: Date and time to be announced
- Greg Johnson presented President Jack Dhooghe with a written request for information on the land sale agreement.
The meeting was Adjourned at 5:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Mark Shook/Secretary Meadow Lake Airport Association, Inc.