meadow lake airport association inc.

"Colorado’s Largest Pilot Owned Airport"

www. MeadowLake



Board of Directors Meeting –Tuesday– May 11, 2004

President Jack Dhooghe called the Meeting to order at 10:01 pm. Present were Members, Dave Elliott, , Gene Kear, Richard Martin, Verlin Schauer, and Mark Shook, and Lee Wolford


Senior Member Verlin Schauer, acting as temporary meeting chairman called the meeting to order at 10:01 PM.




All directors signed a letter accepting their election to (agreeing to serve on ) the Airport Board of Directors.

Richard Martin made a motion that all current officers be re-elected to their current positions.

2nd by Lee Wolford. Approved 7-0.

Elected President Jack Dhooghe

Elected Vice President Gene Kear

Elected Secretary Mark Shook

Elected Treasurer Dave Elliott

Mark Shook made a motion Dave Elliott be appointed to Represent the Association at the upcoming Court ordered mediation with the Turners. 2nd by Richard Martin. Approved 7-0.

Verlin Schauer made a motion the ACC remain as currently constituted (Gene Kear chairman, Verlin Schauer and Jamie Johnston members). 2nd by Richard Martin. Approved 7-0.

The monthly meeting of the Board will remain the second Tuesday of each month, 3PM, at the MLAA Hangar.

The meeting was Adjourned at 10:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,


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Mark Shook/Secretary Meadow Lake Airport Association Inc.