meadow lake airport association inc.

"Colorado’s Largest Pilot Owned Airport"

www. MeadowLake



Board of Directors -Tuesday July 8, 2003

President Jack Dhooghe called the Meeting to order at 3:09pm. Present were Members, Dave Elliott, Jamie Johnston, Gene Kear, Richard Martin, Verlin Schauer, and Mark Shook. Absent : None.

Copies of the Minutes of the June meeting were provided to each Board member prior to the meeting. Gene Kear made a motion that the Minutes be approved as presented. 2nd Verlin Schauer. Approved 7-0.

Treasurers Report/Dave Elliott. Dave presented a written Report, which was shared and discussed with the board. There are currently 3 members delinquent , Keen, Harris, and Turner. All have or will been turned over to our attorney for further action. Jack Keen intends to seek court action on his dues. Court hearings are set for Monday, August 11, 2003. The Harris brothers, who own the lot jointly, have contacted Dave about resolving this problem. Mark Shook moved the treasurers report be approved as presented. 2nd by Richard Martin. Approved 7-0.

Vehicles/Richard Martin. Richard reported that the solenoid is out on the orange Ford tractor.

Ron Scheer, (Prospective developer of the 25 Acre parcel east of Cessna and north of "E" taxiway) addressed the board. Mr. Scheer presented a copy of his preliminary plan to develop that lot with 7, 12 unit hangar buildings (with 50’x40’ units), having the capacity of 168 or more aircraft. At last months meeting, Gary Conover stated that annexation was not required as the land currently qualifies for membership and access to the Airport by a 1990 era agreement. This agreement may entitle the association to back Dues for the last 2 or 3 years, and 10% of the Sales price (Aprox. $25,000.00) for capital improvements. Gary has not yet provided a copy of that agreement.


Jack Dhooghe informed the board that long time association member Ben Kelly had asked the President if the association would rent him the mower deck from the blue ford tractor for a few days. After discussion the consensus was that the association should not be in the equipment rental business, and if we set a precedent, this may come up again from other members. Richard Martin stated he had access to a mower deck Ben could use.

Greg Johnson addressed the board and requested that he be named as an additional insured on our Airport Liability insurance policy as the beacon is on an easement he granted the association, and is unfenced. By unanimous consent, Dave Elliott was directed to contact our insurance agent and make the change.

President Jack Dhooghe updated the board members on his recent contacts with George Brewer and the meetings he had attended with George, the FAA , and C/DOT. Progress was made towards the acquisition and funding of the 163 acres south of the crosswind, and other future projects.

Jack passed a copy of a consultant contract he had drawn up by our attorney to hire George Brewer for the term of 5 years, at $50.00 per hour plus expenses with no cap on the charges. Jack stated he wanted a contract that a future board could not cancel .

Verlin Schauer made a motion we approve this contract and authorize the president to sign it on behalf of the association. 2nd by Richard Martin.

Mark Shook objected to the open ended nature of the contract. While agreeing having George Brewer represent and assist the Airport would be a major asset for us, it is not a prudent business practice to grant a contract without some cost perimeters or cost controls. If we are going to hire this man, we better know how we are going to pay him. A consultant could easily spent over 200 hours in a few months on a single project costing us over $10,000.00 dollars. The associations entire annual income is around $40,000.00. And our current year budget is already 110% allocated to other items. Where will this money come from?

Dave Elliott placed a call to ADG, and told the board he believes some of charges for Mr. Brewers services may be reimbursable in a future FAA grant. Jamie Johnston stated that with years of experience in contract administration, she strongly felt some controls were essential.

After discussion, Verlin agreed to amend his motion to insert the words " with a not to exceed limit of 500 hours of non reimbursable time. Non reimbursable time shall be defined as those hours that are not eligible for and/or not directly assignable to an FAA Funding Grant." , to be placed in the second paragraph of the contract after the word "hour" and before the word "plus".

With the change added, the motion was approved 7-0.

Dave Elliot presented a bid of $6,642.00 to seal coat Cessna drive from Judge Orr Rd to the north edge of the crosswind runway Property. And additional $400.00 was bid for patching. It was suggested that before we patch or seal, we should hire George Cold to pull the dirt up the ditch and repair the ditch and the edge as much as possible. Mark Shook moved that Dave Elliott be authorized to contract with both George Cold and Avery to accomplish the re-sealing and patching of Cessna Drive. 2nd by Verlin Schauer. Approved 7-0.

Dave will contact Avery this week to contract for Cessna Drive to be seal coated.

Steve Johnson address the board about the new drainage requirements the County is requiring from anyone asking for a building permit on the Airport. Steve volunteered to have his engineer submit a work proposal to the board for engineering a drainage ditch along the west side of Cessna Drive that might satisfy the Counties 5-Year storm drainage requirement.

The meeting was Adjourned at 5:15 PM.


Respectfully submitted,


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Mark Shook/Secretary

Meadow Lake Airport Association Inc.













On the web at: www.MeadowLake