Meadow Lake Airport


September 11, 2007



 Meeting brought to order: @ 3:05PM

 Members in attendance:

o Jack Dhooghe

o Lee Wolford

o Dave Elliott

o Mike Easley

o Donn Ravers

o Richard Martin

o Verlin Schauer - Absent

 Meeting Minutes – Donn Ravers: Minutes approved from August 14, 2007 meeting (6-0)

 Treasurer Report - Lee Wolford: Treasurers Report approved (6–0).

o Lee reported he has followed up on the delinquent MLA non-profit status and it should be resolved favorably in the near future.

o $250,000 check from the FAA was received and will be delivered to CDOT for loan payment.

o The CDOT "Economic Impact Study" has been completed. CDOT will visit MLA on September 25, 2007 to complete the "on site survey".

o Lee is still researching the payment of some legal fees that may have been improperly paid.

 Equipment Report - Richard Martin: The Oshkosh plow is now repaired. Rotating Beacon was hit by lighting and is being repaired.

 ACC Report – Richard Martin: Nothing to report

 Presidents Report - Jack Dhooghe:

o Jack is finalizing with counsel the final details on the question of doing a mail-in voting process for changing the "Articles of Incorporation". Jack needs to determine if the voting count has to meet a percentage of the entire membership or just meet a required percentage of the mailed responses.

o Jack reported he filed the necessary papers for the $500K and $100K grants from the FAA. Because of late notice we almost missed out on this opportunity. It was decided that on October 1st of each year we need to follow-up on the paperwork so we don’t miss an opportunity to applying for any grants.

o Jack Dhooghe and Jean Jenkins met with Peter Martz, 4-Water District, to discuss subjects of interest. Mainly water and the infrastructure of the new future MLA development. It was proposed that we sign on for non-binding water re-distribution plan that will be done in the future. Jack will check with counsel to make sure everything is okay from a legal perspective before we agree to sign on to this project.

o The FAA is holding a meeting @ COS to discuss the new TAC

 Committee Reports:

o MLA Development Committee - Jean Jenkins: Nothing new to add beyond their meeting with 4-Way Ranch Metro Water District.

o MLAA By-Law Committee - Mike Easley: Mike reported he is having a difficult time getting any members to commit to time or effort to complete project. It is still a work in progress and he is pursueing members.

 Action Projects:

o Dave Elliott reported his progress to try and find a resolution for resurfacing Taxiway Echo and Foxtrot. After a lengthy discussion it was agreed that we need to start somewhere and the project was good for the entire airport. The project will be Echo and Foxtrot resurfacing starting at Cessna Drive and going west. The resurfacing of the same taxiways going east will be 100% funded by Dave Elliott and Lee Lesher. The action project came down to a motion by Lee Wolford, second by Richard Martin, which passed 6-0. The matching 50% funding will be approx. $17K

 Motion: MLA will match 50% of the Echo/Foxtrot (Cessna Drive – West) project cost with the understanding that adjacent property owners on each respective taxiway put up 50% of the project funds. All funds are to be collected in advance and paid to MLAA. When the project is completed and approved the MLAA treasurer will pay the entire Avery invoice.

o Super Unicom - Because of the inherent issues with this Unicom and the cost to repair it was agreed to have Lee Wolford pursue the possibility of getting an AWOS system for MLA. He will report back to the board his findings and the implications for MLA.

o Verlin Schauer reported the estimate for the repair of the Crosswind Runway is $1200. The repair will consist of filling the pot holes any crack filling needed.

o Ron Lee addressed the issue of cars speeding on Cessna Drive. He did not have any solution but wanted the board to address. It was agreed that beyond signage and common sense there is not much more we can do.

o Mark Shook addressed issue of board member cars driving on Alpha taxiway. It was suggested we need to set an example for others.

 Motion to adjourn: @ 4:55PM


Donn Ravers

MLAA Secretary

*This is a summary of the MLAA BOD meeting. Minutes must be reviewed and approved at the next board meeting