Meadow Lake Airport
BOD Meeting Minutes
July 10, 2007
- Meeting brought to order @ 3:08pm
- Jack Dhooghe
- Lee Wolford
- Dave Elliott
- Mike Easley
- Donn Ravers
- There were no meeting minutes for approval from last meeting as it was the annual election meeting. The above list of names is the elected board for 2007-2008.
- Treasurer report was presented by Lee Wolford. In an effort to simplify our accounting procedure Lee Wolford will consolidate our banks from (3) to only (1), CNB. In the future we will operate out of one bank account with separate P&L’s. Lee will purchase a laptop and Quickbooks Pro 2007 to improve communication with our accounting firm. The result of research for payment of some legal fees in question will be presented and resolved at the August 2007 board meeting by Lee Wolford.
- Motion to accept: Donn Ravers
- 2nd Jack Dhooghe
- Motion passed accepted 5 – 0
- Richard Martin was absent so we had no equipment report or ACC report
- Jack Dhooghe reported that the applied for grant in the amount of $250k grant should be arriving any day. Jack also presented an article on the GA user fee issues GA faces today which should be of concern for all pilots.
- The condition of taxiway Echo was again brought up. Dave Elliott was appointed to try and find a resolution for the problem and present options to the board.
- Jack Dhooghe presented his goals and objectives for 2007-2008.
- Continue the MLA development process to achieve an action plan:
Jean Jenkins was appointed to chair the MLA Development Committee reporting to Jack Dhooghe.
- Develop amended bylaws for MLAA which can get the approval of the membership:
Mike Easley was appointed to develop a plan and chair a committee to amend current bylaws and present to board.
- A discussion on a possible airport name change was made by Jack Dhooghe. The general feeling was it might be something we should consider at some point. Our current name does not have much synergy with the area. Considering the future growth of the airport and the Falcon area a name change might be positive. Some possible reco’s as follows: Colorado Springs Regional Airport, Falcon Airport, Pikes Peak Regional Airport.
- Action taken – None at this time
- Board had discussion on how we publish our meeting minutes, kick starting a newsletter, and getting MLA official website up to speed for posting minutes. Mark Shook offered one of his websites as a dedicated venue. It was also suggested that we poll the membership for those interested in receiving minutes and send then via email to those members.
- Action taken – None at this time
- Ron Lee presented (3) issues to the board:
- Transient aircraft parking and communication: It was suggested we communicate all commercial and free parking available at airport to incoming traffic via signage at Alpha 4.
- Motion made by Lee Wolford that as a starting point we provide the parking slab just north of MLAA General Bldg and provide signage for this at the approach area of RWay 15.
- Second by Donn Ravers
- Motion passed 5 - 0
- Provide Density Altitude Sign @ RW33 run-up area
- Lee Wolford volunteered to have signs made and put out.
- MLA board consider the idea of using the Greeley Airport asphalt crack filling machine which can be used at no cost to repair airport and private property. The MLA would need to transport machine, provide the labor and materials to operate machine. Board felt the inherent problems with liability and getting volunteers would be a problem. Jack Dhooghe volunteered to call CDOT and get an assessment of the runway and the need for repair.
- Mark Shook suggested we now need to address weed control on the Cross Wind Runway and the Main Runway including taxi lights. Mark will get estimates and send to the board.
- Motion to adjourn @ 4:31PM
Donn Ravers
MLAA Secretary