MLAA Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes December 9, 2008


Members Present: Dave Elliot, Joe Kuberka, Verlin Schauer, Mark Shook,

Ron Lee, Richard Martin, John Scott, Jamie Johnston

Call to Order: 3:03 p.m. by Dave Elliott

Opening Remarks: by Dave Elliott

Passed out package with the agenda, finances, and major project summary.

Item 1: Justin Day’s account is still outstanding. Mr. Day sent a letter stating he does not believe he is a MLAA member. Dave Elliott read the response he wanted to send back. The Day’s owe $2,204.00.

Dave also received notification that Randy Turner wants to pay their dues.

Item 2: Financial: Dave stated everyone is free to look through the books.

Item 3. The Board discussed the Turner eviction and move from the trailer and the red barn.

Item 4. Verlin obtained an indemnity policy for the board members, as soon as the insurance company receives the $1,875.00 payment.

Item 5. Bank accounts. If the Association ever wanted to borrow money from a bank we need to submit paperwork to the bank to begin the process of obtaining a revolving line of credit. Unfortunately, it appears that Colorado National was not able to financially handle loaning any money at this time, even though the association has $9 - $12M in assets. There is talk that they may be consumed in the New Year. The board discussed moving the account from this shaky account back to Farmers Bank in January. Two accounts remain open, both the checking account and the money market account.

Mark Shook moved to relocate the MLAA Bank Account from Colorado National to Farmers State Bank. Verlin seconded the motion, and all the board members approved.

Item 6. ACC. William Thurman contacted Dave requesting permission to move a 10 x 50 trailer for automotive purposes to the airport. He never called back to have this approved by the ACC. It was understood that he planned to move it to the empty lot next to Joe Kuerburka’s hangar.

Item 7. MLAA Bylaws. Next month Dave Elliott will present the dues and budget information. He asked if there was anything we wanted to bring to the general membership. Mark Shook stated that longevity was a major issue to Travis Vallien at CDOT. Dave suggested Jamie contact Mike Easley and Lee Lescher on the Bylaw Committee to see if we might want to pass a few simple by-law changes. The topic of satisfying the loan interest was discussed, and options were explored to open doors to send dollars our direction.

Item 8. Major Project Summary. The board went through item by item of the major projects proposed for MLAA. It was highlighted that this is a DRAFT document. The largest project was land reimbursement. There were a few outstanding issues, including right of ways on sectional lines, and the missing land for a crosswind runway between Curtis Rd. and the East side of the airport.

Item 9. Planning. No new business to discuss.

Item 10. Facility Report. 100% of the runway/taxiway lights worked as of Thanksgiving. In the future, Ron Lee would recommend that a professional installer is hired to work these issues. He suggested finding an electrician who has experience working airport lighting systems.

Discussed was the planning for a runway/taxiway crack sealing and how to resolve the aircraft coordination. This effort would require a full time "babysitter" to watch for incoming aircraft as the workman tried to repair the runway. They would need someone with a radio for at least 2 days. Some members thought trying to repair the damage in mid-winter was a bad idea, and it was best to wait until spring. If the temperature is above 40 degrees Avery says they can do it. The most important issue is to ensure there is no moisture in the cracks. To avoid liability, the board recommended we NOTAM the runway. Mark Shook stated he can notify 150 tenants/owners by email overnight with a warning if necessary.

The reseal project will be repaired given the following priority:

1. Runway will be fixed first

2. Then taxiway damage will be repaired.

3. If funds still remain, the crosswind will be repaired

4. If after these projects funds still remain, then taxiway Charlie will be repaired,

5. And if the impossible happens, and funds still remain, we would repair the glider strip.

Ron Lee motioned to adapt this priority.

Verlin Schauer seconded the motion.

All the board members agreed.

Item 11. Vehicle Maintenance: The vehicles are getting new batteries.

Item 12. Beacon. The local electrician, Jeff, will look at eliminating the second meter at the Restaurant Hangar to help avoid administrative costs. There are two meters in the building, but only one on the pole.

Item 13. Safety. Nothing to report. The Board still needs to talk to Wray Pedro about the traffic violations of some of his tenants.

Item 14. Communications. The MLAA website has obtained approximately 160-195 email address from our MLAA members and airport users. Some email addresses are for tenants. This helps to reduce postage. It costs approximately $300.00 to send out a mailing to the membership.

At this point Ron Lee submitted his updated information on an AWOS section and wanted it noted in the meeting minutes.

Item 15. Old Business – Nothing to report.


tem 16. Meeting times. Joe Kuberka wanted to establish the set times for meetings. He pointed out that these meetings have changed periodically from the originally established times set at the beginning term of the board members.

The board agreed there would be no December workshop, because of the holidays.

The next board meeting would be January 13th, 3:00 p.m. at the Restaurant Hangar. The major topic of discussion would be the annual budget meeting.

Resolution 2008-10 was brought up, discussing to accept this years grant from the state.

Resolution 2008-11 was brought up, discussing the Colorado Department Fuel Tax rebate should go back to the SIB loan. Rules & Regulations was discussed: The six cent sales tax still applies. If you are reselling gas you owe this tax to the airport. All gas sales should be reported so MLAA can get the money back from the state. Ron Lee stated he would like a CDOT visit in January or February. FAA already has stated they cannot come.

Item 17. Adjourn. Jamie made a motion to adjourn.

Verlin seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 5:10 PM

Prepared by Jamie Johnston, Asst. Secretary,

Edited and Respectfully Submitted by;


Mark S. Shook / Secretary / MLAA